
  • Hogyan hat a stressz a testünkre? Mit tehetünk ellene?

    A stressz fiziológiai mechanizmusai Amikor stresszhelyzetbe kerülünk, a szervezetünk azonnali válaszreakciót indít el, amelyet az autonóm idegrends...
  • Ekcéma ellen természetes megoldás?

    Az ekcéma a bőr gyulladása, amely igen kellemetlen tünetekkel is járhat. Bőrpír, szárazság, viszketés, hámlás, égő hólyagocskák. Nagyon sok minden...
  • Our body and stress

    Stress is an inherent part of our everyday life, however, if this stressful state persists for a long time, our body will not only show us menta...
  • A de-stress lunch?

    A de-stress lunch? Have you ever thought that you can use CBD oil to prepare food? CBD oil itself can be used in many different foods. Added to ...
  • Your skin will love it

    Several clinical studies have already been conducted regarding the external use of CBD on the skin, which have proven to be very promising. Fo...
  • Pain relief from nature's pharmacy

    Muscle fever, muscle and joint pain? They can occur at any age. Fortunately, there is a solution to alleviate them, as well as to achieve thei...